Monday, March 9, 2009

Red Box

This is late notice, but today you can rent a free DVD from any Red Box by using the code F3T9L6. You still have to run your debit/credit card information, but if you have it back by 9:00 tomorrow night it is free.

Monday, March 2, 2009

ANSER Charter School

Well, after a lot of stress and praying Sophia got into ANSER Charter School. She drew 12th in the lottery out of 122 kindergartners. Up until this year there has only been one kindergarten class. This year they are opening a second kindergarten class which made her chances of getting in much greater. There will be 2 classes of 15 students (previously it was one class of 18). They are moving from the Bronco Elite building to the Foundations Christian Academy building in Garden City this year too. This particular charter school has a good reputation and is well established compared to others in the area (it was founded in 1999). We love the smaller class sizes too. Also, to fill you in, ANSER is Latin for goose. Their pamphlet explains : "Geese rotate postitions while flying to increase endurance and honk encouragement. This represents ANSER's supportive and collaborative community."